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ТОО закупает 1. Пшеница 3-4 класс , качество выше среднего, хорошее 2. ⁠Сафлор 3. ⁠Лен 4. ⁠Горчица белая и желтая ( отгрузка будет на Европу) 5. ⁠Жмых подсолнечника, шрот соевый

Закупаем семена льна, горох, ячмень. Самовывоз, FCA. По объёмам уточнять.

selling flax inexpensively 100 tons in stock

The company regularly purchases oilseed flax (brown, golden) for spring and autumn harvesting throughout the Karaganda region. Pickup from the farm with packaging and loading into big bags. Purchase from both LLPs and peasant farms/farmers. Volume from 22 tons and above. Only with documents and origin of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Prepayment is valid

The company regularly purchases oilseed flax (brown, golden) for spring and autumn harvesting throughout the Akmola region. Pickup from the farm with packaging and loading into big bags. Purchase from both LLPs and peasant farms/farmers. Volume from 22 tons and above. Only with documents and origin of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Prepayment is valid

The company regularly purchases oilseed flax (brown, golden) for spring and autumn harvesting throughout the Kostanay region. Pickup from the farm with packaging and loading into big bags. Purchase from both LLPs and peasant farms/farmers. Volume from 22 tons and above. Only with documents and origin of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Prepayment is valid

The company regularly purchases oil flax (brown, golden) for spring and autumn harvesting throughout the North Kazakhstan region. Pickup from the farm with packaging and loading into big bags. Purchase from both LLPs and peasant farms/farmers. Volume from 22 tons and above. Only with documents and origin of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Prepayment is valid

На цену не смотреть, цена обговаривается. Ведем закуп пшеницы мягкой по Акмолинской и Северо-Казахстанской области, клейковина 28+, также ведем закуп льна масличного! По поводу поставки уточнять.

We make purchases at elevators with a paragraph and a code for China by correspondence: non-class wheat (sprouting up to 30%, odorless); Barley; Linen; Safflower; Feed meal. The volume of the purchased batch is from 1643 tons and above. Contact by phone 87763192806