Total offers 5
Нитроаммофоска содержит 3 главных элемента, необходимых растениям – азот, фосфор и калий. Все указанные элементы в нитроаммофоске присутствуют в легко доступных для растений формах. Наиболее известна нитроаммофоска, в которой три основных вещества содержатся в соотношении 16:16:16. 360 тг. Договорная
Mineral fertilizers. For sale there is Ammophos Russia (nitrogen 12%, phosphorus 52% Nitroammophoska Russia (nitrogen 16%, phosphorus 16%, potassium 16%) Sulfoammophos Russia Eurochem (20% Phosphorus 20% Nitrogen 14% Sulfur) - Ammonium nitrate (Uzbekistan, Russia) - Urea (Uzbekistan, Russia) - Ammophos (Kazakhstan, Russia) - Diammofoska (nitrogen 10%, phosphorus 20%, potassium 20%) Wholesale and retail Price depends on volume Delivery in Almaty region.
Selling Nitro Ammaphos Production: Russia Complex fertilizer Content: 15% Phosphorus 15% Nitrogen 15% Potassium
I will sell Nitroammofosk fertilizer for plants in Almaty wholesale, price on request, delivery throughout Kazakhstan is possible. All questions in PM
Nitroammofofska is a universal fertilizer. It is widely used on all types of soils as a basic, pre-sowing fertilizer and top dressing. Nitroammofoska 16:16:16 - the main advantage is manifested on soils of the Central Federal District - with insufficient phosphorus content (less than 25-30 mg/kg). , potassium (less than 200 mg/kg), low supply of nitrate nitrogen. Nitroammofoska 15:15:15 (10) - is an ideal starting fertilizer for spring grain crops. The presence of sulfur ensures high absorption of nitrogen and phosphorus by plants, and potassium promotes rapid transport of photosynthesis products (carbohydrates) to roots and seeds. Advantages: - provides comprehensive nutrition of plants with the necessary elements - increases crop yields - increases the resistance of plants to frost - reduces damage by root rot, powdery mildew, rust - ensures high strength of stems and resistance of plants to lodging - a variety of brands allows you to select the soil for a specific crop