Transport services Almaty Gazelle - Refrigerator -18 18
(without VAT)
09.04.2024, 18:59
Cargo transportation / Transportation of any sensitive cargo, the transportation of which requires a certain thermal regime (food, medicine, etc.). – GAZelle – refrigerator from -18 to 18 in the city of Almaty, region, regions, intercity, Astana, Karaganda, Taldy – Korgan, Kyzylorda, Shymkent, Taraz. Any form of payment. All reporting accounting documents (fiscal receipt, invoice, certificate of completion of work). For regular customers, contracts and a flexible system of discounts are provided. We guarantee punctuality and quality! 170 tenge/kilometer
Batch, tons 1
ИП "Екименко Д.В." Company On the website since 09.04.2024
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