10.05.2024, 18:52
Focus on fodder crops: new priorities for Kazakh farmers
During a roundtable discussion on "Preparing for spring field work under the risk of moisture deficit", organized by the Ministry of Agriculture, the chairman of the Union of Field Farmers of Kazakhstan, Viktor Aslanov, expressed his opinion on the possible increase in the production of durum wheat in Russia and Turkey, as well as flax in Russia. According to him, this could pose a competitive threat to Kazakhstani producers.
Aslanov emphasized that the main limiting factor for local agrarians is not only external, but also internal competition. He urged farmers to diversify sowing areas and associated risks.
Among the expert's recommendations was also a proposal to pay more attention to fodder crops, for which the domestic demand is forecasted to increase, and to expand the areas sown with soybeans, where this year there is a critical deficit and record level of imports.
In addition, Viktor Aslanov advises agrarians to sow grasses, noting that the current year promises to be favorable for this crop and stable demand for it is expected.