Here you can buy a sheep in Almaty
Rams in Almaty. 35,000 thousand price for Toktushka in Almaty. 45,000 tenge. Baran stands in Almaty. To choose a ram according to the age you need, you need to look at the teeth: identical milk teeth means 6-12 months. Two large cleft teeth on the lower front of the jaw are 13-24 months old. Four such teeth are 25-36 months old. Six such teeth are 37-48 months old. There are no more than six such teeth, and over time these teeth become thin and thin out. How to buy a live sheep? 1. Contact us. 8701-482-56-81 Bekmurat. 2. Select a ram (sheep) via video call 3. The live weight of the ram (sheep) will be weighed for you 4. Select options for purchase: a) delivery or pickup b) slaughter or live c) etc. 5. Specify contacts for communication. 6. Place and confirm the order. 7. Pay for the order. 8. Delivery.
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ТОО "Адал тамак" Company On the website since 03.04.2024

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