For feed production

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Производсвенная линия для грануляции корма в г.Атырау Гранулятор KMPM-320 (44квт, 2.2квт, 2.2квт, 1.5квт) Шнек 6 метр Бункер Нори 5метр Охладитель Упаковочная система в в час упакует 200-300мешков Парогенератор газовая - 200кг/час Все это за 6млн В подарок есть пневматическая дробилка 30квт И еще один гранулятор 30квт

4клвт 220в. новый покупали за 400000. . Писать в ватсап!!!

Механический завод в городе Алматы, изготовливаем дробилки на заказ. Молотковые дробилки производительностью до 20 тонн в час. Молотковые дробилки широко применяется в производстве комбикормов для измельчения зерновых и незерновых компонентов: пшеницы, ячменя, кукурузы, жмыха, шрота, гранул травяной муки... А также изготовим сенорезки, универсальные комбикормовые дробилки, шаровая мельница, лабораторные щековые дробилки!!!

Продам кормодробилку работает от сети на 220 В,на 3 операции сено, зерновые культуры .компактный передвигается на колесах

These are silos that allow food to be crushed in a flake mill (roller) for cooking at a specific steam and temperature. In this department, the resting product is cooked at high temperature (130-160 ⁰C) and steamed for 45-60 minutes. Temperature and time may vary depending on the type of flake food. During the cooking process, harmful microorganisms in the product are neutralized. Long-term cooking at high temperatures plays an important role in digestibility, sterilization, maximum feed efficiency and, as a result, increased animal productivity.

Thanks to a certain air flow, the flake product is first cooled and then dried, bringing it to readiness. After cooking and grinding, the product comes out moist and hot. Therefore, a quick drying process is necessary. One of the most important issues here is not to damage the starch of the product. After formation, the flakes must be allowed to rest. Therefore, a long cooling and drying process is carried out.

This is a machine that carries out the process of flattening grains such as barley under high pressure, subjecting them to moisture for a certain period of time. Flake option from 750 to 3000 microns with wide roll surface and hard roll structure. Uniform flakes thanks to manual adjustment of the distance between the rollers. Lightweight suspension thanks to high-strength steel springs. Easy roll replacement thanks to the plain bearing system. Low operating costs Two-stage feed system with drives. Centrifugal casting of hardened steel rolls. Robust housing design. Adjustable scrapers. Flow guides directing the product to the roll clamp

Provides vertical transportation of all types of grain products. It is designed according to power. Can be used in both directions Higher productivity with low energy consumption Anti-static polyethylene buckets for long service life Modular and standards-compliant design Easy replacement of spare parts

These are machines that accurately weigh the materials added to feed in feed mills in very small quantities and send them into the process. Domestically produced strain gauges that provide high sensitivity can put the required material into production without harming the feed ration. The dosing time varies depending on the amount of raw materials and the total weight of the products being weighed. Rational and durable structure High sensitivity Variable design, which can be manufactured in special sizes. Fully automatic PLC (optional)

It is used to direct products to the desired flow point. This reduces the use of unnecessary valves and gate valves. Drive with gearbox Control using a sensor Compatible with all types of automation Possibility of design as desired