
Total offers 35

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Закупаем горох со всех элеваторов Казахстана

Реалезуем оптом горох фуражный, ГОСТ. Фасовка в мешках. Для уточнения информации пишите в ватсап или звоните по телефону.

The company regularly purchases peas throughout the Karaganda region. The purchase is carried out from the elevator, or with the deduction of logistics to the nearest KTZ elevator. Volume from 68 tons and above. Only with documents and origin of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Prepayment is valid

The company regularly purchases peas throughout the Akmola region. The purchase is carried out from the elevator, or with the deduction of logistics to the nearest KTZ elevator. Volume from 68 tons and above. Only with documents and origin of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Prepayment is valid

The company regularly purchases peas throughout the Kostanay region. The purchase is carried out from the elevator, or with the deduction of logistics to the nearest KTZ elevator. Volume from 68 tons and above. Only with documents and origin of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Prepayment is valid

The company regularly purchases peas throughout the North Kazakhstan region. The purchase is carried out from the elevator, or with the deduction of logistics to the nearest KTZ elevator. Volume from 68 tons and above. Only with documents and origin of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Prepayment is valid

Продам горох, 20 тонн, на хозяйстве, фото могу скинуть на ватсап

Закуп ячмени, пшеницы, овса,льна, гороха, чечевицы. На цену не смотреть, цена договорная. По поводу партии и поставки уточнять. Оплата, наличные, без наличные. От КХ и от ТОО Звоните по номеру указанному ниже Катерина Пишите на ватсап ! Жду ваши анализы! Хорошая актуальная цена ! С места самовывоз.

Куплю, целый горох, для проращивания! Самовывоз, FCA , Перепись на складе, EXW , Доставка на склад, DAP, DAT, CPT , Доставка почтой. 100 - 500 килограмм. На цену не смотреть. Цена договорная.