

22 $ (without VAT)
08.02.2024, 10:41
1 шт
Insecticides #1


Benevia (Benevia) ideal protection for an ideal harvest An innovative insecticide that provides powerful protection against a wide range of chewing and sucking pests, reduces biotic stress, ensures the ability to maximize crop yield potential and obtain the highest quality products. Characteristics Group: insecticides and acaricides Preparative form: oil dispersion Active ingredient: Cyantraniliprole Active ingredient content: 100 g/l Advantages of the drug - Quick stop of feeding of insects after intoxication - preventing the spread of viral diseases by pests. - Reducing stress allows the culture to develop more effectively. - Long period of protective action. - High selectivity for pollinators and entomophage. Recommendations for the use of the drug Benevia - The first treatment is recommended to be carried out during the period when mass egg laying of the pest begins or at the beginning of the hatching of the first larvae. - The first treatment is recommended to be carried out at the beginning of the growing season of the crop to ensure maximum timely protection. - To achieve maximum results, it is recommended to carry out two treatments with an interval of 10–14 days. - It is not recommended to carry out more than two consecutive treatments. - Benevia® is of low risk to honey bees, but it is recommended to apply treatments when bees are inactive (early morning or late evening). - To ensure maximum effectiveness against sucking pests, it is recommended to use Benevia® together with the surfactant Kodaside (2.5 l/ha). Recommended Tank Mixes: - Benevia is compatible with most pesticides applied at the same time, but it is recommended that a small quantity of tank mix be tested for compatibility. - When using tank mixtures of the drug Benevia with drugs in the form of emulsion concentrates, fungicides of the strobilurin class, fungicides based on copper and sulfur, fungicides based on chlorothalonil, as well as fungicides based on captan, myclobutanil, mancozeb, cymoxanil, adverse effects may be observed for the processed crop. - Application of fungicides of the strobilurin class with a short interval between applications (less than 7 days) before or after the use of Benevia may have an adverse effect on the crop. - It is necessary to adhere to the recommendations for use indicated on the labels of partner drugs of the tank mixture, taking into account all restrictions and warnings. - Do not exceed the drug consumption rates indicated on the labels. - Do not mix Benevia with products whose labels prohibit the preparation of such a mixture.


Batch, tons 1


Аскар Private person On the website since 08.02.2024



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