
Urea, fertilizer

2 $ (with VAT)
02.05.2024, 12:28
1 л
Urea, fertilizer #1


Mineral granulated fertilizer UREA brand B Highly concentrated nitrogen fertilizer ensures increased yield of various crops and improved crop quality. Recommendations for use: For private household plots. An effective means of increasing the productivity of various types of agricultural crops. It is highly soluble in water and can be used for any fruit, berry and vegetable crops as the main fertilizer and top dressing. When signs of nitrogen starvation appear, foliar feeding is carried out. The need for foliar feeding may also arise immediately after the formation of fruit and berry ovaries and their subsequent shedding. Application rates: In the spring when digging the soil: Potatoes, cabbage, beets, carrots 20-30 g/m2 Tomato, cucumber, flower and ornamental crops (open ground) 15-20 g/m2 Radishes, onions, green crops 5-10 g/m2 m2 Vegetable, flower and ornamental crops (protected soil) 25-35 g/m2 Root feeding in the first half of the growing season: Vegetable, flower and ornamental crops 5-10 g/m2 or 20-30 g/10 l of water (4-10 l/m2) Fruit trees 180-220 g/plant (when planting) 25-30 g/m2 of the trunk circle (feeding in spring) Berry bushes 50-100 g/plant (when planting) 25-30 g/m2 (feeding in spring)


Batch, tons 1


Дамир Private person On the website since 02.05.2024



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