Total offers 25
Export of onions to Russia, Afghanistan, Talzhikistan, Europe. According to the European standard. In stock 500 tons, shipment from 20 tons or more. Sizes from +5/+7 In mesh bags of 35 kg and euro bags of 15 kg. We work for the domestic market and for export. $0.11/kg. WHOLESALE PRICE 45 - 55 tenge/kg. Export of onions to Russia, Afghanistan, Talzhikistan, Europe. According to the European standard. In stock 500 tons, shipment from 20 tons or more. Sizes from +5/+7 In mesh bags of 35 kg and euro bags of 15 kg. We work for the domestic market and for export.
We sell onions, caliber 5+7, 7+10. Price 20 rubles/kg non-cash with VAT. It is possible to prepare documents for export. Shipment Volgograd and Astrakhan regions. To clarify regarding the party.
We offer onions from Turkmenistan of excellent quality. The average yield of onions is about 350 centners per hectare. The best harvest is achieved at a temperature of 18-20 °C. At temperatures below 13 °C, bulb development slows down and disease resistance decreases. Hot, dry weather deteriorates the taste of greens. For additional information, write to the number indicated in the profile
Excellent onions for sale. Onions of our own production, planted, grown and harvested with our own hands in the Almaty region. Quality 200%. Large volumes are available in our warehouses, where the required temperature, humidity and ventilation are maintained. Sizes from +5 to +12. Retail price 50 tenge, 35 kg in a bag. For export with documents 60 tenge per kg, without documents 45 tenge per kg. Loading from 20 tons.
Куплю лук репчатый крупного калибра 8+ оптом чистый, сухой , хорошего качества в Алматинской , Жамбыльской областях. По поводу партии уточнять. По поводу цен уточнять по номеру.