14.05.2024, 12:55

Decline on rails: Sharp fall of Kazakhstan grain exports in May


In the first days of May this year there was a significant decline in rail transportation of Kazakh grain cargoes for export. Information from the weekly "APK-Inform Asia", indicates that for the period from May 2 to May 8, only 43 thousand tons of grain was exported, which is 60% less compared to the volume of 108 thousand tons registered in the previous week.


The most significant reduction was in shipments to Uzbekistan. During this period, the volume of shipments amounted to only 19.76 thousand tons, which is almost 70% less compared to the indicator for the period from April 25 to May 1. There was also a decrease in shipments to Tajikistan and China: 7.7 thousand tons were sent to each of these countries, which is 57% and 22% less than the previous figures, respectively.


In addition, there were small shipments of grain to Russian Federation - about 1 th. tons vs. 2.6 th. tons in the previous week, and to Norway, where 1.79 th. tons were shipped, although there were no shipments to this country in the previous week.


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