17.05.2024, 15:44

Changes for agrarians: the Parliament discusses the abolition of duty on agricultural machinery


During the session of the House, Senator Ali Bektaev came forward with an initiative to abolish the scrappage fee for agricultural machinery in Kazakhstan. He emphasized the problem of wear and tear and shortage of equipment, pointing out that 76 percent of used equipment in the country is worn out. In connection with the current regulations on Kazakhstani fields is not enough about 65 thousand tractors and 43 thousand combines.


The senator noted that in Kazakhstan operate 10 plants for the production of agricultural machinery and 8 plants of self-propelled machinery, but the Kazakh content in such machines is only 42-44 percent. The main spare parts have to be imported, which leads to the high cost of the final product, making it unaffordable for agrarians. Bektaev also expressed bewilderment at the lack of production of simple agricultural machinery in the country, since it is mostly made of metal.


In addition, he raised the issue of the high cost of the utilization fee, which for 2024 ranges from 370,000 to 7.3 million tenge for a tractor and from 1.6 million to 8.3 million tenge for a combine harvester. These significant sums prevent farmers from upgrading their equipment, forcing them to repair old ones or scrap them.


In light of this, Bektaev suggested considering the possibility of waiving the scrappage fee on agricultural equipment, which would not cause losses to the state, but, on the contrary, would help the agricultural sector.



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